Quang Nam is neither noisy like Da Nang nor tranquil like Hue city. With its own beauty of cultural values and simple and liberal life of people and nature, Quang Nam always brings interesting impressions to tourists.

Let’s visit this destination once to discover and be proud of the land of Culture, Competition - examinations and Extraordinary  persons.

Quang Nam new land’s residents, the first Vietnamese came into contact with Western culture through Catholic missionaries, businesspersons, and then with the Chinese, the Japanese by Hoi An trading port. The exchanges with different cultures have remained the various dark and light stamps in social activities which have expressed in the popular cultural structure.

When coming to Quang Nam, tourists will enjoy interesting experiences on the way of living, friendly attitudes and simple life of local residents. Visitors will also live in the ancient and mild space of Hoi An ancient town that was selected   “the  most popular city in the world in 2012” by Wanderlust Travel magazine.


Hoi An ancient town

Hoi An city has attracted tourists by its ancient figures of side by side small and moss houses. Entering the ancient quarter, tourists would be at fault in an isolated world which has been separated from the destruction of time. There is neither any noise of engines nor shops being shined by bright colourful lights. All those things are just the past. Its time and space have been engraved in the ancient wooden house, in the Japanese bridge, two-storey wooden houses standing beside the Hoai river banks which are silently existing for human’s thinking of a time of the past.


My Son Sanctuary

Coming to My Son Sanctuary Site, which was recognized as a World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 1999, the tourists can contemplate the mystical and fanciful beauty of its monuments. Many towers are decorated with genie statues and beautiful patterns. This World Cultural Heritage’s construction was under the India’s architectural influence. A sanctuary, the first place  of worship at My Son which  was built in the 4th century, is still remained overhere. King Bhadrésvara founded the first Champa dynasty in Amaravati region in the late of the 4th century. After passing away, he has been worshipped at My Son The main tower is the holy place to worship the Linga and Shiva statues. The Shiva God was “the King‘s protection”.

My Son is known as a beautiful cultural treasure of the ancient Cham people and a lively architectural museum of the aesthetics of humanity. Despite ravages of war and time, My Son Sanctuary stands as a witness to the history of the ancient Champa, and is an important part of the world’s cultural heritages.


Phu Ninh lake

Located about 7km  from Tam Ky city center is the Phu Ninh lake. Looking down from a hill, the lake looks like a young girl lying across a green land zone of Quang Nam. Phu Ninh makes tourists amorous by its scenery like a watercolor painting. This lake is valued  as a paradise for anyone who wants to the urban noise peace. There are about 30 islets in the lake. Tourists can visit them and the whole lake by canoes.


Bang An temple

Quang Nam province has restored hundreds of Vietnamese old architectural constructions such as houses, temples, pagodas, communal houses which were built from 300-500 years ago. The values of those relics are not only in their cultural and artistic characters, but also in their important historical meanings which have expressed the long development of a cultural region of the Dang Trong. The ancient Champa Tra Kieu capital, Khuong My, Chien Dan, Bang An temples, Dong Duong Buddhist Institute are the  places which  have engraved the bright stamps of the Sa Huynh, Champa, Dai Viet civilizations.


A bamboo weaving village in Quang Nam

The cultural values of Quang Nam province are not only showed in its ancient architectural constructions but also in unique cultural figures of customs, habits and traditional festivals. All traditional festivals of Quang Nam bring spiritual and religious facts. They are held every year to wish good weather, calm sea, peace for country, to praise the ancestors, look back their family source, national tradition and give expression  to the aspiration for the True, the Good and the Beautiful. Quang Nam is also a place where the traditional craft villages have been established and developed since hundreds or thousands of years. With many changes of the country, those craft villages have still existed and developed as an undetachable part of their history.


Quang noodle

In addition, Quang Nam’s famous dishes such as My Quang (Quang Noodle), Cao lau, Be thui (barbacued veal), Banh trang thit heo (Flat rice pancake with pork  and vegetable), Bánh vac (White rose), Banh to (glutinous rice cake) have created a very private figure of Quang Nam cuisine. Quang Nam foods are simple in cooking but moreish in quality. Quang Noodle is a familiar dish of the Vietnamese in many places including foreign tourists.

When talking about Quang Nam cultural sub-region, we have to mention its folk art treasure of Ve Quang and Ho (Vietnamese folk melody) such as Ho di cay, Ho xay lua, Ho Tat Nuoc, Ho Gia Gao, Ho Gia Voi, Ho Dạp xe Nuoc, Ho Khoan, Ho Ba Ly, Hat Ba Trao, Hat Nhan Ngai, Bai Choi which are performed with Quang Nam’s dialect and charming voice…

Let’s visit to Quang Nam once to discover the beauty  of a Vietnam Central province - the land of “Water convergence –People convergence – Culture convergence”.

Source: baoquangnam.com.vn
Published in Quang Nam


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